Canadian Senior Living &
Senior Care News

Durham Region Seniors are invited to a FREE presentation " How To Finance Your Seniors Lifestyle"

Durham Region Seniors are invited to a FREE presentation " How To Finance Your Seniors Lifestyle"

Seniors in the Durham region of Ontario (Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby) are invited to join an in person presentation on How to finance your lifestyle as you age.  This presentation is presented by Donna Baglieri - Lifestyle55+ MASTER Seniors Real Estate with Belevista Realty and Donna's special guest Shelley Johnston from the Pension Specialists.

Together, they will be sharing information, finance tactics and real estate designed to guide you on where the money can come from as you age and the options regarding care and housing.  The presentation is held at the Lakeridge heights Retirement Resence featuring seniors apartments, Independent living, Assisted Living and more. 

This is a FREE - no obligation session.

Donna is a leading seniors real estate professional in the Durham region and has been serving her clients for over 35 years.
To register for the event or to ask any questions, please contact Donna at  

Feel free to visit her Seniors Real Estate website:

Donna is also a Premium Listed Sponsor on #1 for Durham 

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